Friday, November 11, 2011

Steve - 4.89

42:18 (8:39)

Took off from work early cuz I'm cool like that and did a run before it got dark for once. I hate daylight "saving" time. It doesn't save anything. I guess it makes it easier to wake up in the morning in the winter but it sucks otherwise. I'm not a fan of the sun setting at 4:30 pm or whatever it is setting at now. Thanks a lot Benjamin Franklin. I will now burn a 100 dollar bill in your honor. /rant. My foot felt better today. I had acupuncture again yesterday and it seemed to actually help. So who wins tomorrow guys in the big game? Michigan or Illinois? Just kidding, I'm referring of course to Oregon and Stanford...


  1. Daylight Savings Time happens during the summer. DST ended last Sunday.


  2. You sir are incorrect one point. It is Daylight Saving Time. Although it sounds cute when you incorrectly pluralize it like everyone else does

  3. Well everyone thinks it happens during the winter anyway.

  4. Omg luke was wrong?????????????

    Everyone get into your bunkers and dig into your MREs!

  5. Haha, Michigan and Illinois! Who would believe that?

    Burning 100 dollar bills? Between that and saying you could be accused of being a traiter to your country in the last post I'd think you're trying to get in on the radical running posts yourself!

    AND leaving work early. That's always cool. But don't you know that time = money? Don't waste it doing things you enjoy, idiot!

  6. Go Ducks! That was a great game to watch.
