Thursday, November 24, 2011

Steve - 7

So I also ran in a Turkey Trot 10k. I just never bothered to post it until now (for good reason). On Thanksgiving night we flew down to Cancun for 6 days. Had a great time, won't bore you with the details. Anyway, for the 10k I didn't run quite an all out effort but it was a decent time considering my mileage. My time was 45:17. I tried to run a pretty even pace but I don't really know if I did because the mile markers were wrong and I seldom saw them. I crossed mile 1 at 7:03 (probably right) and mile 2 at 5:59 (definitely wrong). The next marker I saw was a sign that said 1 mile to go, which would naturally make it the 5.2 mile mark. I hit that at 38:01 (7:19 pace). I picked it up a bit from there and covered the final mile in 7:14.

While in Cancun I meant to run at least once but never was able to. Now that I'm back, I plan to get my mileage jump-started again as I was getting close to 20 mile weeks.


  1. Cool! I for one would like to be bored by the details. And not a bad time for you either, you're really coming back strong.
