Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Luke - 9.75

9.75mi, 82:44 (8:29)
Fox Hollow plus a loop on Amazon. 9:37 up, 8:55 down, 8:35 for the mile loop. I left right when I got home from work but it was still dark by the time I started the hill. Felt like I was going pretty well but it was mostly 8:00 pace on the flat stuff, and then the last couple miles were slower.

I've kinda been a pussy the last week or two. Enough of that!

1 comment:

  1. Tut Luke. You shouldn't use words that discourage our female runners from posting.

    You should say something like: "I've been a useless shadow of a runner recently, of shame to myself and my family, and should be flogged immediately."
