Sunday, May 20, 2012

James - 0

Hi guys. No run update I'm afraid but a few bits of news.

Today was the tenth Great Manchester Run and my excellent friend Luke (AKA 'English Luke') took part for the first time. He raised money for Cancer Research in memory of our friend Gary. Gary's brothers did the run as well. Wish I could have been there, but I donated and I also happened to be wearing my 2007 Run shirt at the time. His time was 1:13, which is 2 minutes faster than my first 10K, and I did that at the sprightly age of 18, so good job!

Personally I have had a turbulent time with running stuff recently. I've seen a few doctors about immigration stuff (green card process nearly done!) and I asked one to take a look at my ankle. He only had a quick look but he said the sprain was perhaps chronic, that I should have dealt with it earlier. I basically heard him say "you peaked and you won't be able to run the same again, ever" and was quite horrified. But Alison is convinced he was just trying to scare me into taking care of it. I am about to pick up the phone and make an appointment to get an x-ray, and I am going back to see the initial doctor next week. We've just joined a new gym so I am doing a little exercise (they have yoga and other similar classes so I am trying whatever works), but am too paranoid to run for the time being. Alison and I have also bought a blender for ourselves and loads of supplements for me so we are on a new health kick. Keep your fingers crossed for me.


  1. I doubt just because a sprain keeps happening doesn't mean you can't rehab it back to full strength and be able to run without worrying about it. It might take some time but I'm sure you'll get there. Good luck with the health kick and the doctors!

  2. yeh doctors here suck. most of them don't really have a clue how to advise runners. i think you can still make a full recovery and start putting up monster mileage.

  3. Thanks guys - makes me feel better! I'm optimistic that it is already starting to improve. Not heard the x-ray results yet, but will on Tuesday.
