Friday, May 4, 2012

Luke - 6.5

6.5mi, 53:16 (8:11)
Rexius without the top mile, and then a mile loop in 7:53 on the way home.  Also did three (3) pull-ups.  Ran at 10pm; I would have gone sooner but I was busy doing important things like eating chips and watching Sherlock.


  1. Benedict Cumberbatch ... Sherlock Holmes (7 episodes, 2010-2012)

    1. Why does the actor have to have the kind of name that sounds like an American made it up to make fun of English names?

    2. "That's the great thing about British shows: closure." (Abed begins breakdown.)

  2. 1. I know! Ridiculous.
    2. Perfect reference: I am currently downloading both the second season ("series") of Sherlock and the latest episode of Community.
