Saturday, May 5, 2012

Steve - 10

85:50 (8:35 My watch died about 4 miles in so time is approximate. I hadn't charged it for awhile. I was running on the bark trail in Manhattan Beach so I at least I had the mileage markers for guidance. I was glad to get up to double digits for the first time in a few months. I have done some 9.x runs lately but for some reason I had a hard time getting myself to 10. It's tough to do on this trail because a full out-and-back is 7.5. So I have to add in 2.5 miles by repeating portions of the run. I never want to do it at the end of the run so this time I did a mini out-and-back in the middle of the run. It's pretty hot this weekend. When I got back to my car which I stupidly parked in the sun, my phone had a message saying it was too hot to use and I had to lower the temperature. Anyway tomorrow I'm running in this mile contest thing in Santa Monica. I plan to run about 5:20. We'll see.

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