Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Lauren - 1.07

Note to self: Hydrate. I spent most of this weekend being quite 'Muhrican and eating. And eating. And eating. The next holiday that pops up will be spent running, running, and running. Lucky for me, this will be July 4, possibly one of the hottest months in Houston. Whee. Did I hallucinate or did someone ask about the zombie 5k?


  1. I asked about the zombie 5k, but it was in our facebook convo.

    Yeah, totally know what you mean by the heat, we haven't run outside since Mid-Feb. It's sooo gross.

  2. Zombie 5k, an obstacle course and 5k, is called "Run for Your Lives"--and you can run it as a human or a zombie. At the outset as a human, you're given three red flags to keep on your person. If zombies catch you, they take a flag. Once you have lost your flags, you run as a zombie, without the awesome makeup. Next year, I plan to run to catch. This year, I'm running for my life.
