Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Chris - 4.91

I did this run really late. I think I'm turning into Luke or something. I got back home from seeing Star Trek around 11 and decided I needed to go run since I've only run once since the 5k, and wanted to get in an 8-miler before the 10k race on Monday with Luke (Ridgeline Ramble). I figured I should do about 5 miles so I don't ramp up to doing 8 so quickly. It was sorta chilly out, but kinda neat to run on the streets when there were hardly any cars. A funny thing that run through my head as I was running - if I'm involved in a driveby shooting, I don't have my cell phone to call anyone to come get me and bring me to the hospital...which is funny because it's not like I like in the ghetto or something. Anyway, I tried to pace myself and avoid running too hard on the first half (did an out and back). I forgot to hit my watch but I'm pretty sure I had a negative split. I had enough legs at the end to pick it up, so I took that as a good sign that I controlled my tempo well. Final time was 37:53 for a pace of 7:42.

1 comment:

  1. good to have you back. along the same lines of your drive-by shooting fantasy, since i run in the medians of streets a lot, i always think about getting hit by a drunk driver.
