Sunday, May 3, 2009

Luke - 2.25

2.25mi, 17:51 (7:56)  How fun and easy!

I think I've decided I'm not going to run the 5k next weekend, just gonna call it a season and have a recovery week and then start the real cycle.  If ever you wanted to run more miles than me in a week, this would be the week to do it!  I'll probably be under 25.

Oh if you didn't see my race report it's down thar so check it out.


  1. ill smash your mileage total for this week!!!!

  2. Me too!

    Oh Luke, I am going to double your mileage this week.

    It is so on.

  3. I am probably not going to beat it but maybe I will be close and that's fun.
