Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Chris - 2.6

18:36 - 7:09 pace

Ran with Darren today. Fairly good weather, overcast with no rain. I pushed it pretty good the last 2-300 meters. We were both sucking serious air after we stopped. Glad he ran with me today, I definitely ran harder than I have been. We're doing the 4.2 tomorrow.

splits: 9:47 - 8:48


  1. Picking up the pace hurts so good. Nice to hear you dodged the rain up in Portland. Luke and I did 70 min in nothing but rain this evening. I am looking forward to you coming down and hanging out next weekend! The Shamrock 5k should be cool as well, I haven't raced since October! Keep up the solid work Chris

  2. Thanks buddy, you too! I hope I can make it...
