Saturday, March 27, 2010

Steve - 5.15


I just ran on a treadmill at 2 am in the morning. I can honestly say I have never run at this time before. I had planned to do 6.25 miles, but my body wasn't responding the way I wanted after 30 min. I decided to just get to 45 minutes instead. I didn't want to depend on the treadmill too much. Ok, time to get a few hours of sleep. Been up for almost 24 hours straight...


  1. Any particular reason for running at 2am?

  2. yeh it was to help my body adjust to the time switch. i stayed up almost all night before my flight so I could adjust really quick. it worked pretty well actually. the flight really sucked but it always do anyway.

    p.s. i hate duke. if duke lost on sunday i would have won 1500 bucks in the pool i entered.
