Saturday, March 6, 2010

Steve - 5

41:32 (8:18)

This is my longest run in a while. My groin still hurts, but the pain is pretty minor when I am running. So I am back to the familiar point where I have an injury, but I can continue to train through it (I have like five of these, but who is counting). I saw a PT guy about it. He thinks I have tendonitis or something called ilio pectineal bursitus. The tendon is right next to the ol' family jewels, so it's pretty damn uncomfortable to get work done down there. The tendon itself is painful to put pressure on, even where there is no injury. I'm willing to pay the price (literally and figuratively), though. I think if I lightly stretch it, and run 4-5 days a week, I'll be fine. Anyway, we'll see. For the 7 days I didn't run I was pretty miserable and jealous of you bastards for being able to run. I also did four ~80 meter strides after the run. I am going to make this a habit for after my runs. In addition to being good for form and such, I read that it can help to prevent lower back and hip injuries. Slogging along at a slow pace all the time can be damaging. Anyway enough of that.

Had one split of 22:30 for 2.7 miles (8:20)

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like a very uncomfortable and annoying injury. Hope you can get rid of it before it really gets nice out again!
