Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Chris - 4.2

32:16 - 7:40

Actually had some energy today! About 54* and cloudy, no rain. Was able to lose the long sleeve tech shirt halfway through. I'm going to do a shorter run tomorrow with another guy I work with. Probably Sunday I'm going to do my old Magneto run. I really want to ramp up my miles in preparation for the 5k on the 13th.

splits: 16:49 - 15:27


  1. Hi Chris,
    Good luck with the race on the 13th!

    Also, I heard you said the girl in the Percy Jackson film was cute/hot/some other Americanism. Alison and I saw it last night. She is a child. For shame!

  2. Haha she is not! I just looked her up on imdb, she was borin in '86 - 2 years younger than me. So there =P. And unfortunately I'm not going to be able to run in the race this weekend, I couldn't find anyone to cover my work shift on Saturday - so I'll just be driving down to Eugene on Saturday night.

  3. Sorry! So I don't have journalistic integrity. But she is in a kids film with male actors who do look significantly younger than her. Guess that should have been a clue.
