Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Luke - 3.25

3.25mi, 23:00 (7:04)
Ran to a friend's house to drop off $5 for our tournament pool (even though I'm obviously going to win) and then ran back up to the grass field that's like a minute from my house and ran barefoot and shirtless in it for a little over a mile. It's been too wet to do that until today, and it is still a bit mushy in places, but it will be a great field for barefoot running in the coming weeks and months.

Tomorrow's goals:
A) Win
C) Have fun


  1. good luck. how does the racing field look based on last year's times? two wins a row would be pretty sweet..

  2. This is actually the first year this race has been run. The competition might be better than last race since there's no 10k in this one, but it might be worse since it's Spring Break so a lot of people are gone. Also this is the first "seasonal" race of this series that they're doing, so if I do the summer, fall, and winter races, I'm eligible for some sort of grand prize. I dunno, maybe the competition will be tougher for that reason too.
