Thursday, March 11, 2010

Luke - 5.5

5.5mi, 39:00 (7:05)
Didn't feel great, but the pace was faster than usual, so I guess it's okay.


  1. i think it's time to bring back the weekly mileage posts...if you're still up for it...

  2. Can do... starting Sunday at midnight.

  3. nice.

    ok off topic, but i'm in a hardcore fantasy baseball league and we need one more person. if anyone knows anyone that is interested, let me know. it's pretty big stakes (150 buy-in)

  4. I was with you until I saw the 150 buy-in, haha. No thanks!

  5. haha yeh i know its a lot of cash. just in case you want to think about it, here are the breakdowns for payouts:

    Win your division - $300 per division (two 6 teams divisions)

    Finish #1 in a category for the regular season - $30 (10 prizes will be awarded… 1 for each category)

    3rd Place - $100
    2nd Place - $200
    1st Place - $450

    ok end of gambling degenerate comments...
