Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Alison - 3.1

I did the 5K program on the treadmill. I've been doing lots of strength training at the gym, eating well, and intense cardio so I've been wondering what my present 5K time would be. It was a not-to-shabby 26:57. I am so glad it was beneath 27min because that was my goal (to be under) and it would have depressed me to have been over.

Fight the power.

1 comment:

  1. Yeeeaaaaahhhh! You should do a "real" 5k later this year (right now it is probably too hot to do anything outside in Florida).

    Tell James he should start running about a week before his doctor says it's okay for him to do so, because doctors are notoriously pansies who don't know crap and are way too cautious because or else they'd get sued by AAP, Esq.
