Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Luke - 8.75

8.75mi, 68:17 (7:48)
Fox Hollow with Zack. A bit of an effort for both of us on the way out, and then 8:11 for me up the hill, trying to pull Zack along to a PR (I think he was a couple seconds short of it). It was dark by the time we started down the hill, so just a safe 8:31. 7:10 pace on the bark on the way back. Just under a quarter mile to go on Rexius Zack declared, "Just to fuck with you." and picked up the pace substantially. I smiled and started to go but found I was unable to breathe. Still managed to pass him and we both hit about 83 for that quarter. It was definitely weird to not be able to just pick it up; I was like "Why can't I breathe? This is odd." But I was glad he pushed me to it, made the run that much more fun. 20.75 quality miles on the day...only 26 so far this week, but I see no reason why I can't stay on 80mpw pace from here out.
I always think of the line from the old commercial..."I wanna run, I just wanna run!"


  1. Haha I'm not sure if I've ever seen that commercial, that was pretty good! I like the part where they stop running for a second when the cop goes by, or when the lady hugs her baby carriage and goes, "Do you have to do that HERE?!".

  2. haha oh man i forgot about that commercial. so many hilarious scenes. classic
