Saturday, September 4, 2010

Luke - 2.75

2.75mi, 21:30 (7:49)
Left to go for a 13.5-miler on was going all right and everything until A BEE FLEW INTO MY MOUTH AND STUNG MY UVULA. I stopped and asked a guy getting his mail if he had any ice, and he gave me a cupful but I don't think it did any good since the sting was too far back in the mouth to reach. Walked home in pain, spitting the entire time...took like an hour...came home and looked on the internet to see what advice they had, and was convinced going to the ER was probably a good idea. I didn't have any Benadryl and neither did my upstairs neighbor so there was the concern that it could swell up so much I couldn't breathe. The doctors gave me Benadryl first thing. A bit later I had to breathe a Lidocaine nebulizer that was supposed to numb the back of my mouth, but it didn't seem to do much. They gave me a steroid to reduce the swelling and a few Ibuprofen for the pain. Still hurts a ton to swallow, and there is a general ache in the area, but I should be fine and back to normal within a few days. It feels a lot like the tonsil problem I had a year and a half ago, but at least I know this is a one-time thing.


  1. Jeez that's crazy! Glad you're okay man. Did it fly out after it stung you or did you accidently swallow it reacting to the sting/bee in your mouth?

  2. I spat it out and stepped on it.

  3. that is fucking crazy. hope you're ok man. i cant believe that actually happened. good reason to breathe through your nose i guess. i thought you were messing with us at first cuz i saw uvula and thought of a different word that has almost the same letters and has a much different meaning...

  4. Are you sure that didn't happen to me? That sounds like something that would happen to me. I am glad you are not allergic.

    If I got stung on my uh v*lva that would be all kinds of distastrous.

  5. going through old posts to look at what i was running before my ran my PR in 2010. pretty crazy to think about the things that have befallen all of us in the past 2 years. luke's uvula bee sting and leaf/poison oak incident. me breaking a toe and having to get surgery to remove a tumor. james cracking a toe and all sorts of other injuries. chris and his whirlwind romance.

  6. Lol hardy har! Yeah that and my knee and hamstring and getting stitches in my forehead...

  7. Hat tip to Steve. And winks to Chris.

    Maybe we should do a less dangerous sport, like boxing!
