Sunday, September 26, 2010

Steve - 5


I was up in the Bay Area this weekend visiting my brother and parents. Went for a run with my brother and Dad. I was running ahead of them and after a while I looked back and I couldn't see them. So I started running back and I could see they had turned around and were running back. As I got closer I saw my Dad wasn't swinging his right arm. When I caught up, I found out he had taken a nasty spill and had a huge gash under his eye and cuts all over his body. He fell hard on the shoulder too and he could barely move it. My Mom happened to drive along cuz she was going to meet us at the park we were running to and we took him to the hospital shortly thereafter. He had to get 11 stitches on the cut under his eye and his shoulder were severely bruised and not separated or dislocated. Anyway, he's doing OK now.