Sunday, September 19, 2010

Steve - 8.25

71:30 (8:40)

I bought a headlamp this weekend and this was my first trial run. I got the Petzl Tikka 2 for $29.99. There are 3 settings. Bright, Economy, and Flashing. I usually used Bright when it was completely dark. Economy you need to have some other light I think but you could get by with it if you really want to save the battery life(3 AAAs). I was running over some pretty dark terrain and the light helped a lot. I didn't twist my ankle once. That happened to me a fair amount last year running in this area. I found the best way to set it up is with a hat worn backwards and the headlamp on top. That way I can adjust it to point about 3-4 feet in front of me. Wearing only the headlamp kind of gives me a headache, but it probably just takes getting used to. It's a given that with any headlamp you look like a complete dork in residential areas. I got it mostly for running at Griffith Park where most people don't run during night. Plus I don't give a damn what anyone thinks.

As far the actual run goes, I was on some deepish sand for awhile and that slowed my overall pace.

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