Saturday, May 28, 2011

Chris - 18.2

170:01 - 9:20 pace

Luke gave me some good advice on finding places to do long runs - Jeeni and I drove out to Hillsboro and ran along the rural country roads for this epic run. We stashed a water bottle on the loop so we could grab it with about 6-7 miles left. I decided to not put sunscreen on my forehead because I didn't want it running into my eyes, and the weather said it was supposed to be somewhat overcast and rainy. So of course the sun came out for most of the run and I got burnt! She carried a package of these gummy Energy Shot things, so we shared those and stopped at a McDonalds for water and bathroom break. I had visions of picking up the pace a little once we started looping back toward the car, but that never came to fruition. Also thought you guys might like to know that Jeeni and I are officially dating now! Just want to double-check with my boss at work that that's OK, but needless to say I'm pretty pumped. She's an awesome chick.


  1. I'm pretty sure this run puts me close to 50 miles for the week - Luke post the totals when you get the chance!

  2. Congrats on the run and finally sealing the deal!

  3. 48.9 - not quite 50 but you beat me, good job!

  4. First time ever I think - I'll take it!
