Monday, May 9, 2011

Luke - 9.25

9.25mi, 71:21 (7:42)
So on the drive home from Bloomsday I got a call from my old boss at the steel place, asking what it would take to get me back there...I said I'd think about it, then the next day told him I'd need a couple days off in June for a trip to Seattle I'm taking to see some Mariners games, then a couple weeks off in Aug or Sept to go to Germany, and I'd have to get $15.50/hr (when I left last I was making $13.50)...he said he'd try, then called back a couple days later to say he could give me $14.50...I said nope...then a couple days later he called back again and said he got me what I wanted. So my last night taxiing is Tuesday, then I start back at the steel place on Thursday. Anyway I have been trying to buy a bike but have so far been unsuccessful, and today I had to go pee in a cup for my new old job, so I took a taxi up there and wore some old jeans over running shorts and running shoes, and then just left the old jeans in the bathroom there and ran home on the bike path. Some mile splits from the middle of the run were: 7:40, 7:46, 7:37, and 7:40.


  1. Nice man. Always a good feeling to have someone meet your demands. I also like the symbolism of taking a cab there and then leaving your discarded jeans in the bathroom.

  2. Never have I read a comment like Steves in my email before and been more curious about what the post said. It did not disappoint.

    Way to use your labour power Luke! Even showing disdain for the drug test, love it!

  3. Dude nice work! That's awesome, I'm happy for ya.
