Tuesday, May 3, 2011

James - 2

17:59 (8:57)

A friend of mine on Facebook posted this quote from Graffiti artist Banksy:

The human race is the most stupid and unfair kind of race. A lot of the runners don't even get decent sneakers or clean drinking water.

Some runners are born with a massive head start, every possible help along the way and still the referees seem to be on their side.

It's not surprising a lot of people have given up competing altogether and gone to sit in the grandstand, eat junk and shout abuse.

What the human race needs is a lot more streakers.

He has more great quotes here: http://www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/28811

And you can see some of his kickass art here.


  1. I probably should have realised Banksy is way more famous these days, but seriously, no response to this? It's great!

  2. Yeah I have been meaning to watch Exit Through The Gift Shop, and probably will soon. And yeah I though that was a nice little quote. When I first saw the entry I thought it was from Chris and was like, "Wow, this seems like something James would post, well done Chris!" and then realized it actually was you and I guess was less impressed?

  3. Haha, I guess that's a sort of backhanded compliment. We started to watch Exit Through The Gift Shop earlier today, very cool so far!

  4. I came across this post by searching the blog for "quote" (you should all do it too, we have collectively posted some cool words), to find something for my newest post. Oddly enough we only just finished Exit Through the Gift shop yesterday. It was good, but I wasn't expecting it to be so much about the eccentric French bloke.
