Friday, May 6, 2011

James - 2.5


I thought this would be proof that treadmills really slow you down, but I guess it just feels that way at the time. Average of about 9:19 I think.

Today I had to return the rental African-American Literature textbook that I mentioned getting and running with in this post (featuring the lyrics of several hip hop classics). So I decided to drop it off and run back home, completing the cycle. It is typical that the textbook I have found most interesting is the one I was able to rent (and thus, of course, did, to save money). I read it until 5 minutes before the bookstore closed so that I wouldn't be "fined" the other $70 of the book. I got an A in the class!

I made several extensions to my quickest route home, including running around our complex 1.5 times before going in. I so nearly gave in when I went past our flat the first time, but the pain was worth it.


  1. Yay! Your runs are getting slightly longer.

  2. Yeah thanks, that's what I'm trying to achieve! Maybe soon I won't be doing any under 2 miles. Which sounds pretty sad, but I am trying not to be defeatist. I do wonder if when I run whilst visiting home I will find it a lot easier and do really well due to the climate difference.
