Saturday, May 14, 2011

Chris - 16.17

139:07 - 8:36 pace

Farthest run ever (again). Since Jeeni is in Seattle this weekend, I did this route with one of the guys I work with that did the 15 miler last week. Pretty much did the same route as the 13 miler I did a couple 3 weeks ago, but extended it with a loop instead of just going out and back. I have absolutely no idea how this guy kept up this pace with me for 14+ miles, considering he hasn't been running all that much during the week. He had to stop and walk the last couple miles, and told me to go on ahead. I'm really happy with how this run turned out!

And I am officially a fan of ice baths.


  1. nice run. i envy you. i couldnt run today and probably for the foreseeable future because i broke my pinky toe yesterday

  2. Awesome awesome awesome, Chris.

    (Sucks, Steve.)

  3. Hey Chris, do you think Jeeni is sleepless in Seattle without having done your weekly long run together...

  4. Thanks guys - Steve you're a nerd, although she did tell me she'd rather be here watching the Red Sox/Yankees game with me in a sports bar. That sucks about your toe! How did you break it?

  5. She actually said that? Yeah I would not delay in asking this girl out. Do it now do it now do it now do it now do it now

  6. Hah, sorry dude. Had to go for it. Anyway, my story is really lame and pathetic. Just was walking barefoot in my room carrying something and stepped aukwardly on the leg of a chair by mistake. It swelled up a few hours later and I can barely put any weight on it. I think it's the worst injury I have ever had...

  7. Haha all in good time Luke! Damn Steve, I think we've all done that you caught it the wrong way. That does sound painful.

  8. Ask her out!
    Epic running, well done Chris.
    Steve, sorry to hear about your toe.
    Luke, you are in the other room.

  9. Excellent thread gentlemen. As I sit here hopelessly studying for my Calc III final, this back and forth helps me to stay positive in light of the injury.

  10. Excellent thread and I'm late for it. Arse. Sorry Steve. I broke mine at home last year, really horrible experience. Hope you're doing okay! But don't worry. You too will be able to run 5 miles per week in 6 months. It'll be great!
