Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Luke - 8.75

8.75mi, 66:56 (7:38)  In the middle of this run was an up-then-down version of the hill I had to go down then up at the end of my leg of the relay on Monday.  I was hustlin' pretty well and my previous mile had been 7:10, and the uphill mile (some days I think it might be longer) took 9:48.  My time for the same split on Monday was 8:28, so I am pretty content with the finish of my race.

I didn't have a burrito after my run, but I did put some curry in a couple corn tortillas 3-4 hours afterwards.


  1. curry is a close second to burrito for post workout meal. 3 pts for indian curry, 2 pts for japanese curry, 1 pt for thai curry.

  2. I don't know what kind of curry it is. I stir-fry a bunch of vegetables, then add curry powder and simmer them in coconut milk and water for like 45 minutes and usually eat it on rice (this particular time was leftovers and I was out of rice).

  3. You can still be in the club Luke. Good leftover mixing work!
