Friday, March 5, 2010

Luke - 6.25

6.25mi, 48:48 (7:48)


To be specific, 4x1000m, 400r. 3:29, 3:26, 3:26, 3:19. Felt pretty good for being hung over. Next weekend I will not drink the night before my race, I promise.


  1. By the way, I gave up beer for lent, so I will be nursing a bottle of scotch/irish whiskey the entire weekend ;)

  2. Haha that's a damn great idea! Except I usually enjoy my scotch on the rocks...but I've always wanted a flask

  3. 5:30-5:40 ish pace. Pretty quick. What you thinking you're gonna run in the race? I don't think I'm going to race until that ridiculous 10k I am doing in Japan.

  4. The ks felt controlled so I know I could keep up that pace for 5k in a race. 3:20s is 16:40, which I should be under. My goals are:
    A) Win
    B) PR (<16:33)
    C) Have fun
