Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Chris - 6.3

54:52 - 8:42 pace

Another run before work. I had a bigger dinner last night, and a snack bar before I started out so I think that helped my energy level a bit. We'll see how my legs do during the basketball game tonight - my team decided to play one more 7 game season. I'm supposed to run 3 miles tomorrow (which I'll do during my lunch hour) and then 13 on Saturday. Unfortunately I think I'm going to have to do that solo, so hopefully it won't be too brutal...


  1. Good luck on that Saturday run! Tough it out; it'll make you a man.

    You know who likes men? Women.

  2. You guys want to read the crappiest article on a running event ever?

  3. Good call Luke. And Steve, who decided Julie Foudy was a good enough writer to publish? Was that a blog? The English and cadence of her writing was awful...

  4. Yeh i don't know what it was. Regardless, she shouldn't be allowed to publish anything that has a link on the main page. Or there should at least be a warning that it's "written" by Julie Foudy so I can save 5 minutes of my life next time.

  5. Yeah that might have been okay for a personal blog post, although still pretty rubbish.
