Sunday, April 24, 2011

Zack - 11.55

83:33 (7:14)
Bikepath route solo. I wanted to do a 10 mi progression run with the first 5 mi EZ (~7:40-7:50) and the last few quicker. Tacked on a touch at the start at end as workup/cooldown, but it was a continuos run. First 10 miles in 72:33 (7:15). EZ the first 5 or so, ~7:30-7:50, then picked it up steadily at this point. Had a few miles splits towards the end in 6:47, 6:42, and 6:50. Really wrecked and sleepy afterwards, solid workout though.

1 comment:

  1. Damn I thought I was getting in good shape running 13 @ 9min pace, and here you are busting out 11.5 at almost 7min pace! I have a long way to go...haha. Nice work man!
