Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Steve - 6.375

Track workout with the Flyers. This was a real high quality work for me. 8x600 with 200m recovery. Legs felt a bit heavy at times but I stayed strong.

.75 mi wup
8x600 w 200 rec (2:13, 2:14, 2:15, 2:14, 2:12, 2:11, 2:09, 2:07)
1.75 mi 17:53 cd


  1. Damn, three significant digits, you musta been hella precise out there

  2. Hah not as precise as the dorks that wear GPS devices during track workouts and insist it's more accurate than the track. It's funny when we are doing 1600s and those things beep with 100m left.

    I used three decimal points to account for 7X200 (1400 meters). I just didn't have the heart to round it to .88 miles.

  3. I assumed as much. I usually find some way to round it up or down to a quarter or tenth somewhere...include some strides in the mileage to make it 6.4 or whatever.
