Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Steve - 7.35

I hadn't run for 6 days before this workout. Legs felt awful. Been sick and moved the previous weekend. I also had a test to study for on Thursday that I ended up bombing. I ended up just doing a progressive run starting out around 8:10 mile pace and getting down under 7 for the final .75.

5.75 mi in 44:36 (7:45)
1.6 mi 13:59 cd


  1. Lots of sad news here. :(
    Sorry to hear about the test, I know how you feel. I have one in 2 hours, yet here I am at the comforting glow of somerunning.

  2. Thanks mate. How did yours end up?

  3. Well, I thought it had gone really well, and was going to pull my average up from a C to a B, but no, it went just as well as the last 3, so I stay at C. Introductory biology! I hate nearly everything right now.
