Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Chris - 5.04

37:08 - 7:22 pace

This was a good run. I felt strong and energetic the whole time, and maintained a steady, quick pace. Also the second run that I've concentrated on trying to nose breath almost the whole time. I can't do it when going up or down hills, but other than that it went well. I do find that I tend to stick the end of my tongue out through my pursed lips when I do it though. During my long run Sunday my face was kind of sore from nose breathing, kinda weird. When I got home tonight I had a text from a girl I know - apparently she had seen me running along the busy road. Small world. Then I went to my buddy's older sister's place to save her from 3 'killer' bees and a big beetle that had made their way into her apartment. I'm very manly, I know.

1 comment:

  1. I thought at first you were going to say "I had a text from a girl I knew - apparently she had seen me running with my tongue sticking out." or something along those lines. nice work on bug duty. i can relate to that role quite well....
