Saturday, September 12, 2009

Steve - 9.18

73:10 (7:58)

Today's recipe was an out and back where the out would be easy and the back would be a tempo. My goal was to run about 8:45-9:00 for the out and 7:00 to 7:15 for the back. What ended up happening was I ended up running the whole thing a lot faster than I thought. When I turned around I thought I had gone about 4 miles in 39:21. Apparently I had gone more like 4.59 miles (8:34), according to Google Maps. When I turned around I picked it up I felt pretty good. But after about 20 minutes, I started getting tired. I knew this workout was going to be tough. It's supposed to prepare me for how a half marathon will feel. But I really struggled in the last two miles. I pretty much limped in the final mile. The time for the back portion was 33:49 (7:22). I was a bit surprised when I finally calculated the numbers a few hours later. I tried to be really conservative measuring the distance, so I'm pretty sure it's fairly accurate. I am pretty pleased with the numbers, but this workout showed me how much the half marathon will suck. I think since I ran this whole thing in my Nike Frees that might have accounted for me running the first half quicker.

Oh, also Go Blue! I ran during the Michigan-Notre Dame game, recorded the game, and then watched every second after I got back. If you didn't hear, Michigan scored a touchdown with 11 seconds lift to beat the Irish. It was an awesome game. We also ordered Indian food and I'm drinking Blue Moons to celebrate the win!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a recipe for a great day! I heard about the game; sounded really exciting. I'm watching the Ducks game as I write this. They're only up by 1 in the 4th...
