Monday, October 11, 2010

Chris - 3.47

24:59 - 7:11 pace

Not quite as fast as I was hoping for this tempo run, but it still kicked my ass at any rate. I had 3 eggs and 2 waffles for breakfast around 11, and discovered that stuff was still in my stomach toward the end of the run when it started yelling at me to stop. I need to do more of these, maybe twice a week (?) before the race. I don't like how foreign it was to my body to be pushing itself that hard anaerobically. I used to be really used to it...maybe from basketball.

splits: 12:04 - 12:55


  1. Tempo shouldn't technically be anaerobic. It should be slightly below that point. I think "comfortably hard" is a good way to describe the effort. So that pace is probably a decent tempo. That's about what I do my tempos at.

  2. Oh okay, good to know. I'm thinking this week I'll get some good mileage in Wed-Thu, then Saturday do a tempo-ish 4 miler during lunch @ work. Then next week I'll get in one tempo, one long run, and a middle distance easy run to prepare for the race on Sunday.
