Sunday, October 17, 2010

Zack - 12.8

98:04 (7:40)
Hungover in the morning, so this run was postponed until about 5PM. Kept a comfortable pace throughout, ran the bike path to Valley River Center and back along the bike path on the other side of the river. Got to Autzen footbridge and went and did Pre's Trail until the Springfield foot bridge. Bike path to riverfront field for 1.5 mi barefoot on the grass. Felt great, nice and chilly. ~60F-->52F by the end. Stomach hurt some at about 50 min in (due to mass quantities of beer the previous evening), but I felt better after about 75 min.

1 comment:

  1. nice work powering through the hangover. it would have been easy to forgo the run once you postponed it in the morning..
