Tuesday, October 26, 2010

James - 0

Next update will be a real number, I promise. Tonight we're both going to the gym and I am considering trying a light run for the first time since my broken toe injury just over a month ago. Any advice for the path to recovery ahead? Anyone want to talk me out of it?

Also I wanted to share this short video I got from flotrack. A nice message from a country most Westerners know too little about (with runners coming slightly ahead of the curve).

Haile Gebrselassie Road to NYC Marathon: Part 3, Haile & Ethiopia
In the third part of the series, Haile Gebrselassie gives us some insight on Ethiopia, where it is as a country, and ways it is struggling. Haile, who lives a comfortable life, could live anywhere in the world however he believes he has a duty to stay in his native country to inspire other Ethiopians.

Track and Field Videos on Flotrack


  1. Geb is so badass. And that clip of him outkicking Tergat is sweet.

    I'm not about to try to talk you out of going for a light run. You might want to take this opportunity to get new shoes if you are still using your really old ones, though.

  2. Hmm, good point. Even I have to agree it's a good time. Imminent events will decide what I'll do.
