Sunday, October 17, 2010

Steve - 13.1

1:37:19(7:26). Not a great race, but I did my best.

So logistically everything went as planned. I woke up at 5 am, got dropped off at the race around 6:15. Plenty of time to take a few leaks and get up to the very front of wave 1. I jogged around for about 5-6 minutes and that felt like it was enough. The weather was perfect. Overcast but not rainy. Pretty much no sun at all.

My plan was to run about 7:15-7:20 for the first mile and just negative split from there. My goal going in was to break 1:30, or to break to 7:00 mile/pace, which is like 1:31:xx. I got off to a nice smooth start and clipped the first mile at 7:01 and felt great. It was a bit faster than planned, but I was feeling good. There was a bit of a hill in mile 2 so my mile time faded a bit. Came through mile 3 at 6:56 and I was feeling confident. At some point in mile 4, I started to falter. The weird groin/lower stomach muscle(sports hernia) thing I have started acting up again. Pretty much it feels like a really bad cramp in the side. It sucked to have it flair up so early in the race. I knew it was going to be really tough to keep close to a 7 min pace with the pain. I had to squeeze with one hand at various points to lessen the pain while I ran swinging only my left arm. After about 2 miles of doing that on and off the pain did fade somewhat, somehow, although my mile times were fading as well. When I crossed 6 miles at 36:16, I knew it would be really tough to make up that 1:16 to get down to 7:00 min pace for the entire race. I started feeling better on miles 7 and 8 and started thinking I was going to have a shot to start running close to 7 min miles. It felt like I was running that pace but I was actually 7:20 and 7:16. After that little surge, I started to fade again. I was at over 60 minutes at an average pace and distance that I haven't run for a few months.

It was starting to become more of a quest to finish the race respectably, rather than running for a time. The sports hernia wasn't bothering me, but my body was starting to wear down. I just kept thinking about getting to the mile 12 marker and finishing strong. Miles 10,11,12 went by in 23:55. I think I missed the splits because I was trying not to look at my watch too much. Also at the mile 11 marker they had donut holes. At that moment I was thinking that is the last thing on Earth I want to eat with 2 miles to go. I had been taking small bites of a Clif Bar and grabbing water every other mile so I was thoroughly fueled up. When I did finally hit mile 12, I picked it up. People had been passing me somewhat for the last few miles so I wanted to catch a few people. I got a surge of adrenaline that carried me to the last turn of the race. I knew there would be about .3 miles from there so I picked it up again and passed a few people. I cruised into the line in 1:37:19.

My take on the race is that I did the best I could, considering I haven't trained as much as I would have liked. In hindsight, 1:30 was a bit unrealistic since I didn't get that many long runs in. I think last year when I ran 1:40, I was in much better shape. However, a comical series of events added about 7-8 minutes to my time. Last year I was regularly getting in 8 mile runs with long tempo efforts. This year I was only doing about 20 miles a week during August and September. Anyway, I'm glad I pulled through and that I made it through the race without ever stopping.

Splits below:

7:01, 7:10, 6:56, 7:15, 7:22, 7:34, 7:20, 7:16, 7:28, 23:55, 7:14, 48


  1. As always, I look forward to the details. Sorry it did not go exactly how you wanted it to but congrats for another half-marathon finish. I like "I did my best", that's what it is all about. Get some solid rest this week and get those legs fresh and ready to tackle another race in the future!

  2. full recap is up.

    yeh when the race starting coming apart for me, I just stayed positive and kept pushing. thanks for the encouragement!

    definitely going to take some time off and focus on balance for a few weeks. some running, cycling, weightlifting, and other strengthening exercises for my legs and core.
