Sunday, October 11, 2009

Steve - 14.2

So it has taken me awhile to come around to writing my recap of my participation in the 25th Annual Long Beach Half Marathon. Pretty much everything went wrong that could go wrong, but I am happy to say I completed the race in a time of 1:40:13. It was pretty painful for the last 3-4 miles, but I made it!

I previously wrote a long rambling recap of all the bad things, but I deleted it cuz it was too pathetc. I'll just sum it up in a sentence: I got there late (as usual), had to start in the middle with the walkers/joggers, lost my car key, found my car key, lost it again for good(had to get a tow truck to jimmy the lock after the race), had a horrible cramp/muscle pull in my side, wanted to die, and barely made it through. That's it.

10K split of 45:48.


  1. Good job on making it to the finish! Sorry it was such a bad experience though...that sucks.

  2. You forgot about the part where the line for the bathroom was too long so you had to wait until mile 7 to go.

    So what are your running plans now?

  3. haha, yeh. i cut that one from my first draft. that certainly wasn't a pleasant experience holding it in for 7 miles...well I am thinking I will do a bunch of easy running the rest of this month. Start around 25 miles and build it up a few miles each week. This stomach muscle thing seems like it might take a while to go away, so I don't want to push it. Maybe a 5 or 10K next month. Then I'll start working in some tempo runs in November.
