Saturday, October 3, 2009

Chris - 5.04

37:03 - 7:21 pace

Started out slow and picked it up from there. The last 3/4 mile or so I tried to really kick it in. Knees bothered me a bit today.

I forgot to mention - during the latter part of my run Thursday, an older guy in his car up about 50 yards in front of me slowed down and was driving in the bicycle lane that I was running in. It seemed pretty obvious to me that he was doing it in purpose so I couldn't run by him. Very shortly after I noticed that I just jumped up onto the curb and continued on. I stared at him as he drove by (ignoring me), once again pondering if I should flip the double birds or not. I jumped back into the road once he passed, and finally decided to turn around and run backwards while waving my arms in the air at him. I had my bright red long sleeve tech T on so I was hoping he'd see me. He turned right into a street about 80 yards behind me, and I was hoping he was turning around to come back toward me, but unfortunately that didn't happen. I wished later that I had continued just running in the bike lane right up to his car to see how he'd react. Passive aggressive people are so weird. What a jackass...

1 comment:

  1. Oh my god. It's funny how little I fear for my own life, and yet feel responsible partially for potentially death defying stunts like running backwards up a cycle lane whilst insulting men with road rage and declining dreams of ever being more than the bitter little life-hating fucker that they are.

    I fully encourage you to follow your gut and do more of this sort of thing!!
