Thursday, October 15, 2009

Zack - 5.5

40:47 (7:25)

Pre's Trail 1.4 mile loop in the middle. Morning of my first cumulative exam in the doctoral program at UO. The exam wasn't until 7PM and I did not have to teach any classes/worry about my research today, so I felt a morning run was in order. Ran with Luke again on an insanely fine fall day. 55F and sunny with the leaves changing to all sorts of bright colors. On Pre's Trail, I had Centrowitz and some other crazy speedy UO XC guys pass by. Despite the inspiration from seeing them cruise with ease, I could not quicken my pace. First 3 miles I think I was still asleep, but after that I settled in to an okay tempo. Think i'll be back to feeling good in no time. But on a day as scenic as this, simply being able to get out and run is a blessing and everything else is a bonus!

1 comment:

  1. Hope the exam went well dude. I couldn't agree more with your last sentence!
