Sunday, October 4, 2009

Luke - 12.75

12.75mi, 95:02 (7:27)

Did both loops of Pre's Trail with Zack, then headed into the hills for a few more miles on my own. Near the end of the run I briefly forayed into the Masonic Cemetery for a few hills, and stopped to read the story near one of the graves. This one was Eugene's "first notable black citizen," a streetcar driver in the mid to late 1800s. He came to Eugene with a mule and got the mule to tow the streetcar (at a top speed of 6mph). They even had a picture of him from 1896 with his mule and streetcar.

Neither Zack nor I ran yesterday, but we did get a workout. We went down to Crater Lake and hiked to the highest point in the state park, Mount Scott, almost 9000 feet above sea level. We got a bunch of pictures and came back home very exhausted.


  1. I'm jealous I wish I could have gone. I haven't been there since I was little, and consequently don't remember very much.

  2. I'll assume you mean you wish you could have gone to the Masonic Cemetery. I agree; it's a pretty cool place for a hill workout.
