Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Chris - 6.3

46:09 - 7:19 pace

Not sure on the exact distance. I had to walk for a bit because I was about to mess my pants. In fact, if there wasn't a port-o-pottie next to this middle school's soccer field, I'm pretty sure there's no way I would have made it home (which is a scary thought). I was still about a half mile or so from home. Other than that I felt pretty good in the run. It was raining during the first part, and then when I passed by the HS the marching band was out, so that put a little bounce in my step as I pretended they were playing theme music for my run. Daaaaaah dahdah dah dahhhhh! Cue the cymbals! In other news I'm getting much closer to deciding on what my new laptop is going to be. Haven't tried recovering the data yet - I'll probably do that this weekend.


  1. I'm disappointed that no one has commented on this. It was quite the eventful run!

  2. yeh not sure why i missed it. i'm usually all over the posts that include colorful description of almost shitting one's pants.

  3. To me that's just another might as well have said you saw a dog, or had to wait at a red light for a minute. Ho hum.

  4. Well today I wised up and went BEFORE the run. Much better!
