Monday, October 19, 2009

James - 3.3


Pretty good speed I think. Still not planning on doing any really far distances yet. I'm getting reaaaaaaaaaaally bored of the places I run though, I might try hopping on the tram and finding somewhere else to start from. I am now wearing the shirt I got from my first race in 2003 (in which I did really shit). Do you all keep your running things?


  1. Don't you mean shitty? And yeah I have a t-shirt from the first 5k I did in '02 or '03.

  2. I've never run in a race, so I don't have any memorabilia. Congrats on coming back from your injury, I must have missed that post. What did you hurt and how?

  3. Chris - In the UK, "shit" can be used as an adjective or adverb in addition to its use as a noun or verb, as in, "James has a shit job." If he were to use the American forms, he should have said "shittily", not "shitty", since he was using it as an adverb.

    James - Yes I keep all my running things. I have hundreds of shirts that I really should get rid of, and a few I still wear.

  4. Hah, thanks for translating Luke! And, charity donations a go-go!

    I have just had a sore right leg for getting on for 2 months now, due to no particular thing that I am aware of. All up and down the leg.

  5. More translating: "No particular thing that I am aware of" = hasn't replaced his shoes since John Major was PM.

  6. Thoroughly enjoying translations in regard to British linguistics and laziness/cheapness/stubbornness .

  7. New shoes are on the way.. in my mind...

    I would steal John Majors shoes. Then tell to stop moaning, the big Tory bastard.
