Sunday, October 18, 2009

Alex - 3.14

22:57 (7:17)

Today was my first run back since I hurt my knee about a week and a half ago. I was hoping to make my first run back in Central Park, but my New York trip got cancelled and I'm still in LA. So today, like Steve, I ran the trail in Manhattan beach. It's nowhere near as nice as Pre's Trail, but it's better than concrete.

I wanted to be conservative and steady with my mileage and pace, and I think I accomplished that. Overall I felt pretty good considering the amount of time I took off. The first 1/2 mile was rough, but then I got in a rhythm. I'd say that my knee was at about 80% and I'll see how it feels tonight and tomorrow before I decide what I'll do on Tuesday. My guess is that I'll do the same run on Tuesday and see if I feel stronger.

Feels good to be back, I was starting to feel really sluggish.


  1. oh cool i didnt realize you were in L.A. do you live here or just visiting?

  2. I used to live here, but I'm just in town for a few days for work. The Greenbelt aka the wood chip trail in Manhattan Beach used to be my main stomping grounds.

  3. Well done! Our comebacks are in sync!
