Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Alison - 6

Distance: 6 miles; Time: 52 mins (as an attorney, I think of this as nearly .9 billable hours)
Locale: On the treadmill next to the Marlon Brando lookalike (Streetcar days not Dr Moreau days) on the stairmaster.

I've been feeling better since I started running.Good stress relief. Also, I just got digital cable (hbohbohbo) so I've been doing yoga, pilates and bollywood cardio dance off the FitTV channel to make up for all the time I'm watching the premium channels (IFC, Sundance, and uh HBO).

P.S. HBO's Bored to Death (starring Jason Schwartzman, Zach Galifinakis and Ted Danson) is one of my new favorite shows.

My feet hurt. I was trying to lure my cat into kneading them by spreading juice from his canned cat food on them. It did not work. I was not very lucid at this point.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah Bored to Death looked good, I saw a preview and wished I could see the show.

    hbohbohbo is a funny-looking word.
