Monday, August 31, 2009

Chris - 2.5

21:34 - 8:37 pace

Mileage is approximate since I did some barefoot running tonight for about 6 minutes. I would've done much more mileage but I feel awful today, like I'm fighting off a cold or something. So even going on this run was a mini-accomplishment for me. As Quenton Cassidy says "a true runner runs even when he doesn't feel like it"! A few things I noticed about my first extended barefoot run was how hard my feet hit the ground, even when running slow - and also that my feet were a bit sore after I put my shoes back on and started home. I think my pace slowed considerably in the grass because it felt so different to run without shoes on (but I guess you guys know this already). I'm going to end this post with my favorite quote so far from 'Once A Runner':

"Running to him was real; the way he did it the realest thing he knew. It was all joy and woe, hard as diamond; it made him weary beyond comprehension. But it also made him free."


  1. cool sounds like you're really enjoying the book.

  2. Glad you're getting some good quotes from I've been thinking of lately that isn't from OAR but very well could have been is, "A runner is someone who goes to bed feeling tired and wakes up feeling more tired."
