Saturday, August 22, 2009

Steve - 8.32

8.32 mi in 68:23 (8:13) We're in Santa Barbara for a few days with the fam. Plan was for an ~8 miler with my brother and Dad. I wanted it to to be a slow tempo/medium intensity type of run. After 2 miles all running together, my brother and I took off and got into a nice 7:45-8:15ish/mile pace. I found a website that suggested some runs to do in Santa Barbara and chose this run cuz it runs along the beach for the whole run pretty much. I was able to maybe a third to a half of this run on grass, which is always good. At about the point my brother and I sped up we realized a triathlon was going on right where we were running. We ran right through the zone where they change from the bike to the run. After a mile or so, the runner in first passed us. I figured out later the run was 10 miles for them, which must really suck after a mile swim and 30 miles on the bike. After we hit the turnaround point, we were running for a maybe few minutes and then came up on my Dad. He was running right through a water stop for the Triathlon! He told him to turn around when he saw a sign for the park that was coming up. I thought we told him that it was only a few minutes, but apparently he misunderstood. He ended up running another 2.5 miles or so before finally turning around because he never saw the sign. Of course my brother and I didn't realize this after we finished our run and we were wondering what was taking so long for him to finish. After about 30 minutes of waiting, we hopped in the car where he had parked and drove out to look for him. Finally, we found him walking about 2 miles from the end point. He had run for what turned out to be 10 miles and then started walking cuz, 10 miles is a long ass way to run and he was hurting. So we scooped him up and gave him a hard time about it, of course.

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