Thursday, August 20, 2009

Luke - 15.5

15.5mi, 1:54:15 (7:22)

Late, went first to the bark trail for five one-mile loops (8:08, 7:54, 7:46, 7:36, 7:38), then the lights were turning off so I went to the track for the rest of the run. I decided that I wanted to take splits every 800m, and that I wanted to start at 4:00, then go ~2.5 seconds faster each one until I got under 3:30. (More accurately, I wanted to go 4:00, 3:57.5, 3:55...3:32.5, 3:30, 3:27.5; that is, if I ran one a little fast I wouldn't necessarily try to go even faster on the next one.) My splits for those ended up being: 3:56, 3:57, 3:56, 3:51, 3:50, 3:47, 3:41, 3:45, 3:38, 3:37, 3:41, 3:33, 3:30, 3:33, 3:27, 2:58. They seem kind of all over the place looking at them like that, but if you line them up with what each one was supposed to be, they aren't too bad (I did accidentally aim for 3:30 twice in a row though). I was aiming for sub-3 on the last one and got it just nicely.


  1. Oh I forgot to include the most (only?) interesting part of this post:

    As I was heading home, some High Schoolers pulled into the parking lot as I was running by, and they commented on me running by (since it was past midnight). One of them (the FUNNIEST, obviously) was like "I bet you stole something, huh?" and I just replied, "Heh, nope." And then like two seconds later I was like dammit! Because I totally should have said, "Yeah, I stole your sister's virginity."

  2. Nah that sounds too much like a rape joke

  3. You could've said you stole his brakes or hubcakes or something.

  4. Man, I want some hubcakes. I bet they're like funnel cakes.

  5. At first I Thought hubcakes was the "British" word for hubcaps...that would have been funnier..

  6. not sure why I put British in quotes

  7. "not sure why I put British in quotes" made me laugh.
