Monday, August 17, 2009

James - 2.2


Shortest run in aaaaages. It was going to be short anyway because I had the dentist, and since this was my first run since Thursday when I ran with a numb face I didn't want to do that again, so I had to go beforehand. It became even shorter because I just felt crappy. Too much drinking and working on consecutive days (I am being asked to do so many shifts that I am starting to think training for the race is a good enough reason to say no, as the job makes me feel so physically shit). Anyway, at least I did it, worked some goodness back into my system and didn't drink today. Although I did try to phone someone to make plans and that failed, so I can't really take credit for staying sober.

Oh, and this is the second time my right knee has felt funny, when it's felt fine when I'm not running. Wondering what I should do, considering the last run was 4 days ago and it still didn't work itself out.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure what you could do. Maybe just ice after the run and take some painkillers in case there's some swelling by the joint.
