Sunday, August 30, 2009

Steve - 9.5

83:33 (8:48)

Long run on the MB wood chip trail. Did the whole trail and back plus an extra mile each way. Another hot day and I forgot to wear my hat. You don't realize how much a hat helps until you forget it and sweat is pouring down your face into your eyes for an hour and half. Splits below for your enjoyment. I wanted to run the final mile in under 7, but couldn't quite muster it. It wasn't an all-out mile, I just made a conscious effort to lengthen my stride and it came easily.

9:53, 9:11, 8:54, 8:58, 8:46, 8:38, 8:50, 8:52, 4:20 (.5), 7:09


  1. Pretty nice...too bad you had to add that "(.5)" in there, that would have been a fairly decent mile split...I wonder if Mr.s Rupp and Ritzenhein ever throw in 4:20s for the hell of it.

  2. haha yeh you guys razzed me after i ran a 3:57 last time, so i thought i would specify..hey did you get a chance to check out the Perfect Mile yet?

  3. I've read a few chapters, but I have another book I'm halfway through...I should probably read one at a time; my brain isn't large enough to handle two plots at once.
